WATCH: Whoopi Goldberg Apologizes over Ethnic Slur on ‘The View’


Whoopi Goldberg has apologized for using an ethnic slur towards Romani people on “The View” on March 15.


During a discussion about former President Donald Trump, Goldberg mentioned that some of his followers believe “he was ‘gy——d’ somehow in the election,” a slang for cheating that reinforces a negative stereotype of Romani people.


Goldberg and her co-hosts were debating whether former President Donald Trump should face criminal charges in connection with the alleged hush money incident involving Stormy Daniels.


Less than an hour after the live show aired, Goldberg offered an apology online. She said;


“You know, when you’re a certain age, you use the words that you know from when you were a kid or you remember saying, and that’s what I did today, and I shouldn’t have.


“I should’ve thought about it a little longer before I said it, but I didn’t. And I should’ve said cheated, but I used another word, and I’m really, really sorry.”



This is not the first time Goldberg has come under fire for espousing controversial viewpoints or using outdated and offensive language on air. Early last year, she was suspended from “The View” for two weeks after she argued that the Holocaust in which six million Jewish people were murdered was “not about race.”


Goldberg brought it up again in December in an interview with the Sunday Times of London, saying that the Holocaust was not “originally about race”, a comment she later apologized for, but which did not result in any disciplinary action.

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