Prince Andrew Agrees Settlement with Turkish Millionaire Who Accused Him of Accepting Money from Alleged Fraudster

Prince Andrew has reached a confidential deal with a Turkish millionaire who accused him of collecting enormous quantities of money from a suspected fraudster.

The Duke and Duchess of York, as well as their daughters, received around £1.4 million from former Goldman Sachs banker Selman Turk.

Turk, 37, is suspected of stealing £40 million from Nebahat Evyap Ibsilen, 77, who hired him to help her transfer assets out of Turkey, where her MP husband is imprisoned for political reasons.

Mrs. Isbilen is suing Turk and several offshore entities for the stolen money, and she has also filed a contempt action for allegedly violating a court order.


She said he duped her into paying £750,000 to the Duke, who he claimed helped her obtain a British passport.


Turk said the payment was a present to the duke for his daughter’s wedding, which the prince later refunded at the request of Mrs Isbilen’s solicitors.


Additional payments were provided to the Duke and his family, totaling £350,000 for the Duke, £225,000 for the Duchess, and £25,000 for Princess Eugenie.


Eugenie stated last year that the money was handed to her by a ‘longstanding family friend’ to help with the expense of her mother’s surprise party.


The High Court heard on Tuesday that the Duke and Duchess, who still live together, had struck an undisclosed deal with Mrs Isbilen.

According to The Telegraph, the money was sent through the UK-based company Alphabet Capital.

The payment was paid shortly after Mr Turk received an award for his digital bank business proposal at the Duke of York’s Pitch@Palace event, according to the High Court.

Mr Turk disputed any link between the Duke’s payment and his triumph in the competition.


The Duke refunded the money in March 2021, according to the Court, after receiving letters from Mrs Isbilen’s legal team.


The Duchess of York also received payments of £225,000 while Princess Eugenie got £25,000. 


According to the Telegraph, the Duke of York met the businessman in May or June 2019 after being introduced by convicted Libyan gun smuggler Tarek Kaituni, who had ties to Colonel Gaddafi.


According to a source close to the Duchess of York, she was ‘totally uninformed’ of Mr Turk’s charges when she accepted money from him.


The case continues.

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