Nadia Mohamed Becomes First Somali Woman Elected Mayor in Minnesota, USA

After winning the mayoral election, Nadia Mohamed became the first Black mayor of St. Louis Park in 170 years, the first Somali American mayor in Minnesota, and the second-known Somali mayor in American history.

In the race against retired banker Dale A. Anderson, Nadia Mohamed secured 58% of the vote.

“As mayor, I want to make sure people see themselves reflected in our policies. » she declared

Following the Somali Civil War, her family fled to Kenya, where she spent her early childhood years in the Kakuma refugee camp until she turned ten.

She later relocated to St. Louis Park, where she attended the St. Louis Park School District as a child.

Nadia Mohamed became the youngest member of the St. Louis Park City Council when she was appointed to the position in 2020 at the age of just 23.

80% of people in the city are Caucasian. The incoming mayor’s campaign was centered on promoting community policing and homeownership.

Nadia Mohamed has a tight relationship with State Senator Zaynab Mohamed, another well-known Somali American public politician, who lauded Nadia Mohamed and said the two of them have been best friends since sixth grade. In 2022, Zaynab Mohamed became one of the first Black women to be elected to the State Senate.

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