Why Danish Deputy Prime Minister Resigned From His Position

Danish Deputy Prime Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen announced his retirement from politics on Monday, only months after returning after a six-month vacation due to stress and overwork.

His resignation also means he will step down as leader of Denmark’s leading coalition party, the liberal Venstre.

“The short version: I am quitting Danish politics completely and permanently today,” Ellemann-Jensen, who is also economy minister, told a press conference.

Venstre’s poll results have fallen since joining a coalition government led by Social Democrat Mette Frederiksen.

Ellemann-Jensen claimed that his personality overshadowed the party’s achievements in government and was impeding the party’s ability to “move forward.”

“Therefore, I am taking the consequences now and stepping down as chairman,” he said.

Ellemann-Jense, a member of parliament since 2011, returned in early August from a six-month sabbatical he had taken “to unplug” on the recommendation of his doctor, citing stress and overwork.

Troels Lund Poulsen, a party colleague and defense minister, will take over his responsibilities in government.

Stephanie Lose, vice chairman of Venstre, will take over the party’s organizational duties until a new party head is elected at the party’s annual conference in November.

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