Triplets From Colorado Graduate From High School at the Top of Their Class

Mariah, Mercy, and Samuel Addai-Opoku, triplets from Aurora, Colorado, graduated from high school at the top of their classes. Kwasi and Margaret Addai-Opoku left Ghana in the 1990s for Colorado in search of a better life for their future family.

“There’s nothing stronger than family love and sibling love,” one of the triplets, Mariah, told WLBT.

The triplets had a difficult time starting school. Margaret recalls crying when she left them and receiving a call from the instructor because they were distressed.

But the shift was brief. Mariah, Mercy, and Samuel rapidly adapted and were popular among their classmates and teachers.

“They are excellent children, very courteous and humble. And I’m not saying that because they’re my children, but that’s what the teachers tell us,” Margaret explained.

The triplets excelled academically. They were all in the top 10 of Hinkley High School’s class of 2024. They also earned associate’s degrees from Aurora Community College.

Furthermore, they managed to balance studies, athletics, friendships, and part-time jobs.

The triplets attribute their achievement to their tight relationship with one another and their parents.

“It’s always been a nice comfort to have because we can all relate with each other,” said Mariah.

Though they may not attend the same college, they intend to stay close and encourage one another. As they go for college, they carry the wisdom that their parents have bestowed to them.

“They always told us that education equals power. “When you have an education, you can do whatever you want,” Mariah explained.

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