Melissa Williams, a 42-year-old African American mother from San Antonio, Texas, has successfully enrolled her three daughters in college before they reach the age of 15. They are all attending Miles College, an HBCU, and have all received scholarships along the way.
“I take my responsibility as a mother seriously. I look at it as an assignment from God. So I work it whole soul, whole heart,” Williams told KENS5 News.
Williams, who proudly calls her home the “Godly House,” has six children — five daughters and one son — with whom she has been actively involved in their schooling.
Williams homeschooled her eldest daughter Ate’sia and son Isaac, adapting curricula to their individual needs.
Alana, her first daughter who will graduate in 2021, excelled in online studies and was offered many university spots. Williams chose Miles College, an HBCU in Alabama, since it is strategically close to other family members in Birmingham. Alana attended college at the age of 14 with a 3.7 GPA. She is a biology pre-med student.
“I could say that I was really surprised in myself that I did it based on where everybody else’s journey was,” Alana said.
Following in Alana’s footsteps, Aniyah excelled in her studies, graduating at the age of 13 with a 3.0 GPA. She attended Miles College with her sister, where she majored in business/pre-law. Despite her nerves, she readily blended in with the college population, owing to her height for her age.
“People think that since I graduated at 13, I had to be some child genius or a child prodigy,” Aniyah said. “But I’m just as smart as the next person.”
Most recently, Adina graduated and has now joined her sisters at Miles College at the age of 14. With a 3.5 GPA, she enters college as a political science major.
“I was always been known to be, like, the stupid kid and the weirdo. So I didn’t think I could really do it,” Adina said. “It was always because of my weight and because of the questions I would ask.”
Their mother, while adjusting to the distance, provided unwavering support. She said, “It was definitely scary and challenging. And it took a lot of prayer and God’s direction and faith.”
Furthermore, the Williams sisters attribute their survival to their mother’s strong relationship with God and unwavering faith in a brighter future. They are now on the rise, thriving both academically and in extracurricular activities.
The three sisters are eager to make an impression on school, with their minds set on success. They also believe that their younger sister Aubriella, who is now nine years old, may one day follow in their footsteps.