Over 3,000 Years Ago, The Ancient Egyptians Used Wigs And Hair Extensions To Cover Up Hair Loss



Wigs were worn by ancient Egyptians, as well as their forefathers in Mesopotamia, Crete, Persia, and Greece. Linen, sheep’s wool, animal hair, or human hair hardened with beeswax were the materials of choice in ancient Egypt.

The first wigs were discovered circa 3000 B.C. Many museums and other institutions around the world have extensive collections of well-preserved ancient Egyptian wigs. The ancient Egyptians, like modern people, struggled with hair loss and wanted to look as young as possible for as long as possible. Several treatments, primarily aimed at men, were proposed.

Over 3,300 years ago, a woman with thick hair extensions and a truly lovely haircut was laid to rest in a brand-new city in Egypt. Her body was not mummified; it was clothed. According to Jolanda Bos, an Amarna Site specialist, she was adorned in “a extremely intricate coiffure with roughly 70 extensions secured in different layers and heights on the head.”

Egyptian males used hair oils made from the fat of ibex, lions, crocodiles, serpents, geese, and hippopotamuses as early as 1150 B.C., according to research. Cat and goat fat have also been proposed as alternatives. Chopped lettuce patches were rubbed onto balding areas to promote hair growth.

Women would wear wigs to formal occasions and gatherings. Wigs, particularly complicated double wigs with braids and curls held in place with beeswax and hair bands with tassels, were popular among the upper classes. The majority of Pharaohs wore their hair short.

“Wigs were worn by men, women, and children,” said Kozue Takahashi, a professor at Minnesota State University. Egyptians changed their wigs on a regular basis, and there were many different types of wigs accessible to them. The wig was mostly used as a celebratory headpiece at formal events such as banquets and ceremonies.

Egyptian wigs were made from human hair and sheep’s wool. To adhere extensions to the wearer’s own hair, plant, tree, and beehive wax was used. The ancient Egyptians liked garments in blue, crimson, and gold, which looked beautiful with black hair. Blue was said to be Cleopatra’s favorite color.

Wigs in Egypt were frequently designed like helmets. Some even featured gleaming gems and expensive metals. Some were enormous, while others were simply large. According to Fact & Details, Queen Isimkheb wore one so heavy that her servants had to help her to her feet around 900 B.C. It was entirely made of brown human hair that had been glued together with beeswax. It’s on display at the Cairo Museum right now.

People used to wear their hair in more natural styles before the twentieth century. The “pompadour” haircut became a popular new style. Hair extensions were used by women during the Pompadour era to achieve this look.

In the 1940s, long hairstyles became more popular, increasing the demand for wigs. Hair extensions have come a long way since their inception.

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