OneBlood Breaks Down FDA’s Updated Blood Donation Policy for Gay and Bisexual Men


The FDA announced a big shift last month that will allow more homosexual and bisexual men to give blood.

The amended criteria remove the need that males who have s** with men refrain from having s** for three months before donating.

It was a regulation that prohibited many members of the LGBTQ+ community from donating blood after the Pulse nightclub shooting nearly seven years ago.

Susan Forbes, OneBlood’s senior vice president of corporate communications and public affairs, appeared on “The Weekly” with anchor Justin Warmoth to discuss how the new advice will usher in a new age of donor eligibility.

“It’s an era where a person’s s*xual orientation will not determine if they can or cannot donate blood,” Forbes said. “It really is a change that’s been decades in the making.”

Watch the full interview in the video player above.