Louisiana Man Sentenced for Defiling Minor to be Chemically Castrated


According to the New York Post, a Louisiana man sentenced to 35 years in jail for defiling a girl under the age of 13 will be chemically castrated in addition to his conviction. Tangipahoa Parish District Attorney Scott Perrilloux said the convicted man, Ryan Clark, has also been forbidden from contacting the victim and has been required to register as a se.x offender and waive any parental rights he has to any children.


Clark was sentenced last Tuesday after pleading guilty to second-degree rape, molestation of a minor under the age of 13, and sexual battery. In 2018, Louisiana authorities approved chemical castration for certain offences. Persons convicted of acts such as child molestation, aggravated rape, forced rape, second-degree sexual battery, aggravated incest, and aggravated crime against nature suffer the aforementioned sentence.


An investigation was begun when a person reported “inappropriate behavior” involving Clark and the victim. According to reports, the victim confided in the person, who then reported the convicted s.ex offender. Clark and the victim engaged in “inappropriate activity” for more than a year. While researching the case, authorities uncovered a suspected second victim.

Clark was sentenced to 128 days in jail in 2015 after being found guilty of misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile for receiving oral se.x from a youngster in a public location.

According to WVUE, chemical castration entails an individual being injected with medroxyprogesterone acetate, which diminishes a man’s sex urges by lowering testosterone levels. A convicted sex offender is given such injections about a week before being released from prison.

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