Jennifer Flewellen was never expected to awaken from her coma following a brain damage sustained in a vehicle accident in September 2017. WNDU reported that during her coma, she missed her two elder boys’ Senior Nights.
Flewellen, who doctors described as a living miracle when she awoke after four years and 11 months, made her youngest son’s Senior Night on October 20 unforgettable by returning to the sidelines to cheer him on.
“Nobody expected her to wake up,” Flewellen’s mother, Peggy Means, said. “We were told all along that she has anoxia and that the brain damage, she’ll never wake up, but you never say never.”
Julian Flewellen represented the Niles High School football squad against Paw Paw. Julian scored three touchdowns and carried for over 100 yards in addition to defeating them 56-18, putting it the perfect icing on the cake.
“She started them in football when they were in Rocket football, and she said, I don’t want my kids on the streets; I want them in sports,” Means said. “And she really pushed them, and she was a big screamer. Everybody that knew Jenn, she was very loud. They (her kids) used to say; I couldn’t even hear my coach, Mom; you were louder than the coach.”
“Just having the opportunity to have her here to support him and letting everyone know that she is thriving and she’s continuing to get better, and we’re just still in shock that it’s even possible that she’s here,” Sara Macon, who is Flewellen’s friend, added.
Flewellen woke up from her coma on August 25, 2022, and she is being cared for by her mother at home. “And I think what’s been a driving force is being able to watch her kids, but really, her mom has been with her,” Macon told WNDU.
“Her mom has been an incredible caretaker and has been with her every single day since her accident, and has been determined to get her home, and after six years, she’s finally back home.”
Flewellen’s family stated a desire to take her to the Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital in Grand Rapids for further treatment at the time of this report.