Liver disease is on the rise, with mortality jumping 400% since 1970.
In England, the number of people who died from an underlying cause of liver disease increased to 10,127 in 2020.
Liver disease is usually preventable, especially if individuals recognize the early warning indications that their liver is weakening.
So, how do you recognize these early warning signs? It turns out that your feet convey a number of warning indications that anything is wrong with your liver.
These signs found on your feet warning of liver problems may include:
1. Swollen Feet
Swollen feet can be a sign of liver disease, as the liver is responsible for regulating fluid levels in the body. When the liver is not functioning properly, excess fluid can build up in the legs and feet, leading to swelling.
2. Itchy Feet
Itchy feet can also be a sign of liver disease. When the liver is not functioning properly, it can lead to a buildup of bile acids in the body, which can cause itching.
3. Yellowing of the Skin or Nails
Yellowing of the skin or nails can be a sign of jaundice, which is a common symptom of liver disease. When the liver is not functioning properly, it can lead to a buildup of bilirubin in the body, which can cause the skin and nails to turn yellow.
4. Spider Veins
Spider veins, or small clusters of blood vessels near the surface of the skin, can be a sign of liver disease. When the liver is not functioning properly, it can lead to an increase in blood pressure in the veins, which can cause them to become visible.
5. Foot Pain
Foot pain can also be a sign of liver disease. When the liver is not functioning properly, it can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body, which can cause nerve damage and lead to foot pain.