Tunde Onakoya, a renowned chess player, has set out on a mission to beat the Guinness World Record for longest chess marathon. Onakoya announced the event’s start via his X (previously Twitter) account, captioned “Game time.”
The marathon is currently underway in New York City’s iconic Times Square. It started at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 17, and is set to end at 8 p.m. on April 19. Onakoya intends to play constantly for 58 hours without losing.
He wants to raise $1 million to assist global chess education for children.
Game time 🇳🇬 pic.twitter.com/N7VkEkD37g
— Tunde Onakoya (@Tunde_OD) April 17, 2024
Tony O. Elumelu, formerly on X (formerly Twitter), expressed his support for Onakoya, saying, “Good luck on checkmating New York, @Tunde_OD, as you attempt to set the Guinness World Record for the longest Chess Marathon. Continue to inspire African youth—we stand firmly behind you.”
Former Vice President Yemi Osinbajo applauded the chess master, stating, “Dear Tunde, best of luck in Times Square as you strive to set the Guinness World Record for the Longest Chess Marathon! Your resilience and spirit inspire us all. Remember your own powerful words: ‘It is possible to do great things from a small place.’ Let the dynamic energy of Times Square amplify the greatness you, a proud Nigerian, bring to the chessboard. We’re all behind you—show the world the strength and determination you are made of! God bless you, @Tunde_OD.”
The current Guinness World Record, held by Hallvard Haug Flatebø and Sjur Ferkingstad of Norway on November 11, 2018, stands at 56 hours, 9 minutes, and 37 seconds.